Conrad Allen

Conrad Keene Allen (born 1968 in Marion, Illinois) is an American Exploration Geologist. He served two terms on the National Petroleum Council in Washington D.C.; first appointed in 2000 by Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson and reappointed in 2003 by Secretary Spencer Abraham.

Allen established the Conrad & Deanna Allen Endowment at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Lymphoma and Myeloma Center; the Conrad & Deanna Allen Scholarship in the Department of Geology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio; and the Alonzo & Therese Allen Scholarship at Firelands College in Huron, Ohio.

Allen delivered the May 2011 Commencement Address at Bowling Green and recited a poem he wrote for the occasion entitled Bowling Green to the Rub' Al Khali. It was the last graduation ceremony held in Anderson Arena and the last presided over by President Cartwright.[1]

Allen delivered a notable speech in Salt Lake City, Utah before the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. [2]


  1. ^ 2011 Commencement Address at Bowling Green State University
  2. ^ 2004 AAPG marks a "Social Sequence Boundary" in oil industry history